I have been at Princeton setting up and running a U-Pb ID-TIMS geochronology lab since 2009, where my students, postdocs and I have focused on using accessory mineral U-Pb geochronology to understand magmatic processes and zircon growth in the crust, the rates of flood basalt volcanism, the thermal histories of Archean cratons, the causes and consequences of mass extinction events, and other problems in Earth History such as the enigmatic carbon cycle during the Neoproterozoic and Late Cretaceous climate in Bolivia.

Upon finishing my PhD at MIT, I went to the University of Geneva to do a postdoc in Urs Schaltegger’s lab and was fortunate not only to be among another fantastic group of geochronologists, but also to help in the launching of the GTSnext project, which was an EARTHTIME inspired multinational grant funded by the European funding agencies. For me, EARTHTIME and geochronology go hand in hand and are the MO of how we do good geochronology. I remember fondly being introduced to and impressed by the community of geochronologists that came together for the 2004 meeting in Boston, which shaped the way I do science. I am eager to collaborate on a variety of projects in both realms.Įmail: have been involved in EARTHTIME since I was a young graduate student in Sam Bowring’s lab at MIT. Many of my research initiatives involve the use the Ar system for sediment provenance, but I am also keenly interested in the chronology of the stratigraphic record throughout Earth history. I hope to continue calibration experiments with my colleagues in U-Pb and Ar-Ar labs and to develop new experiments with scientists using other chronometers. The recent acquisition of a new multi collector noble gas mass spectrometer is opening exciting opportunities for measuring smaller samples with higher precision. My involvement in EARTHTIME has been focused on inter-laboratory calibration experiments of solid natural samples as well as the Argon Pipette Intercalibration System (led by Brent Turrin of Rutgers University). I am a professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia, and I have been managing the argon geochronology lab at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory- part of the Noble Gas Group at Lamont- since 1996. I feel it is important for the future of our science to develop a broad and strong collaborative geochronology community that encompasses producers and users of geochronology data.Įmail: have been involved with the EARTHTIME Initiative since attending the 2003 Smithsonian Workshop. I also co-lead the AGeS (Awards for Geochronology Student) research program, which is aimed at promoting training and new interactions between students, scientists, and geochronology labs at different institutions. My lab especially seeks creative, collaborative applications of (U-Th)/He data to problems in fields in which the technique has not typically been utilized (e.g., to constrain lunar impact histories, calibrate mantle dynamic models, date kimberlite emplacement).

My group has focused on deciphering the history and causes of unroofing, uplift, and topography in diverse settings, and on the development and refinement of both novel and conventional (U-Th)/He thermochronometers. I now run a (U-Th)/He geochronology lab at the University of Colorado Boulder. I subsequently completed a postdoc at Caltech in Ken Farley’s lab where I was trained in the methods, applications, and development of (U-Th)/He geo- and thermochronology. I am also interested in the application and specifically the chronology of the stratigraphic record, working on time intervals from the Paleoproterozoic to the Holocene, through a range of collaborative projects.Įmail: and Twitter was first exposed to EARTHTIME as a PhD student in Sam Bowring’s lab. I have also been involved with developing the EARTHTIME programme with colleagues in Europe and in recent years been working with this ad hoc group, organising some workshops to plan the future of this international community endeavour. My involvement in EARTHTIME has been focused on the U-Pb calibration efforts, expansion to bring in groups such as the microbeam U-Pb, Re-Os and U-Th isotope dilution communities.

Up until 2005 I was a post-doc working as part of the Bowring group at MIT, and then I moved back to the UK (as a NERC Fellow) to work at the NERC Isotope Geosciences Facility at the British Geological Survey and I have not managed to leave yet! I have been involved with the EARTHTIME Initiative since the 2003 Smithsonian Workshop.