Helpndoc chm links dont work
Helpndoc chm links dont work


In order to generate CHM help files, HelpNDoc relies on the Microsoft HTML Help Workshop compiler which is a very old software which doesn't support Unicode. Modified on: Wed, 10 Feb, 2021 at 5:50 PM

  • Sitemap.Solution home HelpNDoc CHM documentation format The CHM documentation format displays wrong characters in some languages.
  • Image optimization using the pngquant utility.
  • After generation in HelpNDoc, a powershell script is run, which performs further operations and uploads the entire documentation to the web:.
  • Generation of other metadata, eg canonical address, complete favicon, etc.
  • Rendering of Twitter card data, Open Graph data and Micro data.
  • Buttons for sharing the page on social networks Facebook and Twitter.
  • Integrated baguetteBox.js for displaying images.
  • helpndoc chm links dont work

    Information about the last page update was generated in the footer.Added top navigation bar, which contains links to other product pages.Help file: ContOS help file produced with HelpNDoc.In addition, the documentation created in this way achieves excellent results in search engines (SEO).

    Although it requires advanced knowledge of Pascal Script, HTML, CSS, it does show a truly limitless possibility of customizing the html documentation generator output. Description: On-line HTML documentation, integrated into the product’s website.Use of customized JavaScript, jQuery and CSS for specific look and feel.Use of context html links for Pluribus Networks Appliance embedded help files.Specific footers are selectable at time of publishing. Use of customized footers with QR code links for mobile devices.Right-hand navigation toolbar aligning with scroll.Links to Pluribus Networks corporate site features.Document Feedback with specific page identifiers.

    helpndoc chm links dont work

  • Links to internal document pages such as a Glossary of Terms with display logic.
  • Canonical Link Generation at time of publishing.
  • SEO optimization using customized “robots” meta data and auto-generated sitemaps.
  • Customized left-hand navigation Icons for Topics and Use Cases.
  • Main features: To date, some of our customization of our documentation includes the following:.
  • Mobile device optimization is built into the product. Pluribus Networks’ use of HelpNDoc has tremendously improved our SEO and Google Search results while generating professional looking documentation for both external and internal customers. HelpNDoc includes a high degree of base functionality which is extensible using the built-in API along with Pascal, JavaScript, CSS and HTML software development tools. Use of the HelpNDoc out-of-box solution requires a very shallow learning curve and our technical writers were productive almost immediately using the product. In our experience, HelpNDoc is a very flexible platform for generating documentation.

    helpndoc chm links dont work

    To date, Pluribus Networks develops and maintains over 25 online documents and numerous internal documents using HelpNDoc. Description: Pluribus Networks develops its online documentation using HelpNDoc with direct publishing to the corporate Technical Documents site.Help file: Pluribus Networks’ help file produced with HelpNDoc.Title: Pluribus UNUM Management Platform - Unified Management, Automation and Analytics for the Adaptive Cloud Fabric.

    Helpndoc chm links dont work